Incident Management System

Project Goals

The primary aim of this system is to offer residents of the municipality a more convenient and efficient method for reporting incidents requiring attention. It functions as an online platform for incident reporting, requiring residents to register as users via the registration page. This enables them to select and report incidents within their preferred categories.

Key Features and Functionality:

  • Incident Reporting
  • Notification System
  • Allocate and Manage Resource
  • Analytics and Reporting
  • Incident Escalation Workflow
  • User Roles and Permissions
  • Feedback Mechanism

Project Details



The project involves a collaborative approach focused on understanding the unique challenges faced by South African municipalities in incident reporting. By closely aligning our goals with the client’s needs, we embark on a journey to design and implement a tailored solution that addresses the underreporting of incidents such as potholes, water leakage, and sewage leakage. Through in-depth discussions and consultations, we identify key functionalities essential for the success of the system, including the ability for users to capture incident details through photographs and provide descriptions for expedited resolution.


Utilizing modern technologies and best practices in software development, we work hand in hand with the client to translate requirements into a user-friendly and efficient incident reporting system. Throughout the project lifecycle, we maintain transparent communication channels, providing regular updates on progress and seeking feedback to ensure alignment with the client’s expectations. Our commitment extends beyond project completion as we offer comprehensive training and support to enable the client’s staff to effectively utilize and maintain the system. We deliver a successful project that not only addresses the challenges of underreported incidents but also enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of incident resolution processes, ultimately benefiting residents and municipalities across South Africa.

I chosen others because Its not possible to choose all. I am amazed with his work. The good thing about this theme is the front end Elementor builder. I really love it and I am personally using this to showcase my work. I have decided to use this on my own brand.
Client – Timothy T. Dunlap


Cassio Architect Agency

Creative Director
George Talley

Cathy Porras
Reynaldo Newman
Anabel Bowling

Phillip Holt
Joshua Jenkins